Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Short Intro and some Holiday Cards

Hello! I am excited to be expanding my design business to Professional Photography. I am currently a designer of digital scrapbooking elements that are available at the store, Little Dreamer Designs. My experience ranges from designing papers (backgrounds) to creating logos.
All of the Photos Cards include a Professional Use license. You will find, however, that items such as elements and brushes work differently. You must choose "Licensing: Professional Use" from the drop down menu that is at the bottom of the product preview and description. I plan to be able to offer a wide variety of cards but here is what I have for Christmas...

(the title is linked to where the product is available to purchase in the store,so just click on the title for a better view or to purchase the card)

Design: Homespun

Design: Plain Jane

Design: Dotty

And now, for the brushes that I offer. You must purchase a professional license to use these in your business.

Brushes: Christmas Frames Collection

PLEASE feel free to ask questions or leave comments in the feedback of the posts.
Check back often!! I plan to create various lines of baby, grad, wedding, etc.


Liz said...

These are GORGEOUS Leora!!! Bookmarking your site now. :)

Melissa Rodriguez Photography said...

Oh my goodness! These are just stunning. I'm so excited I found your site.

Melissa Rodriguez Photography said...

Just thought of something else...Have you thought about selling your Christmas cards together for a slightly discounted price? Just a thought... :)